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Getting Ready to Submit Your Report for the 2017 IVSS Student Reports by 03 April? Check Out These Resources, FAQs, Rubrics, and New Upload Tool!
The 2017 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS) is now accepting student reports. Reports will be accepted from 03 January through 03 April. To help in this scientific and educational endeavor, check out these resources, rubrics, FAQs, and the new Upload Tool.  >>

Have You Read Dr. C’s “Wrap Up of the Urban Heat Island/Surface Temperature Research Campaign” Blog Yet?
In December 2016, The GLOBE Program hosted the annual Urban Heat Island/Surface Temperature Research Campaign (formerly known as the Surface Temperature Field Campaign). Read Dr. Kevin Czajkowski’s (campaign scientist) “wrap-up” blog to learn more about the results of the campaign’s efforts – with over 1,300 surface temperature observations from 59 schools!  >>

NASA Langley (USA) Offers Paid Summer Internships for Science Educators – Deadline 01 March 2017!
The Science Directorate at NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, USA leads several science education programs including GLOBE, MY NASA DATA, and S’COOL. They are looking for several teachers/educators to come to NASA Langley this summer and work with their science education team. The summer internships run from 30 May through 04 August (40 hours per week).  >>

GLOBE Community Support Team Offers Spanish Translation Assistance! Habla Español?
GLOBE community! You can now send your GLOBE-related questions in Spanish! GLOBE Community Support Team (CST) member Jorge Arias can offer assistance in Spanish.  >>

Registration for the 21st GLOBE Annual Meeting is Now Open
We hope you will join us for our largest GLOBE gathering of the year in New Haven, Connecticut. Mark your calendars now for 30 July - 4 August 2017!  >>

Register for the GLOBE MISSION EARTH Webinar on 8 February: “Introducing the NEW and Improved GLOBE Cloud Protocol”
GLOBE Teachers: Register now for the 08 February GLOBE MISSION EARTH webinar: “Introducing the NEW and Improved GLOBE Cloud Protocol.” The webinar will be held at 8:00 p.m. EST.  >>

Opportunities for Teachers and Students to attend the US Regional Science Symposia
U.S. Teachers, if you are interested in attending with a group of students, please indicate your interest and apply for funding by 27 February.  >>

Opportunity for U.S. Teachers to Become Advisors to PBS STEM Initiative
WGBH provides a professional development opportunity for K-12 educators to become teacher advisors in the design and implementation of digital media tools for STEM classrooms.  >>

Letter to the Community
Letter to the Community  >>

January 2017 GLOBE News Brief
January 2017 GLOBE News Brief  >>