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Participate in the 2016 GLOBE International Virtual Science Fair
This completely virtual science fair allows GLOBE students from around the world (kindergarten through 12th grade) to participate and use the data they have entered into the GLOBE database.  >>

United States Regional Science Fairs
Through a grant from the National Science Foundation, students from across the United States have the opportunity to come together at one of six onsite regional science fairs that will be held from March through May 2016.  >>

GLOBE Recognizes Top Schools for GLOBE/SMAP Data Collection: 1 November through 15 November 2015
The GLOBE Program would like to salute the 17 schools from around the world that submitted data during the two-week period of 1 November through 15 November, with a total of 66 measurements.  >>

Read Latest Blog on SMAP: How Do NASA Scientists Use the SMAP Satellite Data?
The latest guest blog, “How Do NASA Scientists Use the SMAP Satellite Data?”, written by NASA SMAP scientists Dr. Erika Podest and Dr. Narendra Da of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, USA is now available on the GLOBE website.  >>

20th GLOBE Annual Partner Meeting Will be Held in Estes Park, Colorado, USA
The 20th GLOBE Annual Partner Meeting and Student Research Experience will be held in Estes Park, Colorado, USA, from 17-22 July 2016!  >>

Website Alert for Sunday, November 15
The GLOBE website will be undergoing technical work on Sunday, 15 November, from 9am - 12pm PST (17:00 UTC - 20:00 UTC). Things may appear out-of-the-ordinary during this 3-hour time frame. Thank you for your understanding.  >>

GLOBE Recognizes Top Schools for GLOBE/SMAP Data Collection: 16 October through 1 November 2015
The GLOBE Program would like to salute the 18 schools from around the world that submitted data during the two-week period of 16 October through 1 November, with a total of 63 measurements.  >>

2015 Surface Temperature Field Campaign
The GLOBE Program will host its annual surface temperature field campaign from 1-31 December 2015  >>

AGI Issues Report on Status of K-5 Geosciences Education in the U.S.
The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) has issued the “Report on the Status of K-5 Geosciences Education in the United States.”  >>

NASA’s GPM Mission Offers Vast Array of Precipitation Education Resources
NASA’s GPM Mission Offers Vast Array of Precipitation Education Resources  >>