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GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO)

A panned downed view of the Earth from outer space. A flare of light can be seen in the distance.
The GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) provides support to the GLOBE community worldwide. It works with scientists, teachers and an extensive network of stakeholders to improve participation in The GLOBE Program. 

The GIO is sponsored through a NASA cooperative agreement award to the Education Development Center. Together with GLOBE's Working Groups, GIO works to support community initiatives in science, education, evaluation, technology, diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as the development of new science and education content.



Rebecca Boger
Director, Science and Training, Education, and Public Engagement

Rebecca Boger (Becky) is the director of Science, Training, Education, and Public Engagement (STEPE), and is also a professor and chair of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Brooklyn College, CUNY. Before coming to Brooklyn College, she worked for GLOBE, first as a NOAA Knauss Fellow and then as an international project scientist and partner liaison. She collaborated with teams of scientists and educators to develop classroom materials, conduct workshops, and facilitate international collaborations. After joining Brooklyn College in 2007, she continued to work with GLOBE on the Science Working Group and GISN, as an IVSS judge, and on other funded GLOBE-related education and science projects. Becky lives in New York.

Rebecca Lewis
Director, Community Engagement and Support

Rebecca Lewis (she/her/hers) is a managing project director at EDC and directs EDC’s work at the GIO. Rebecca focuses on strategic direction, international and federal co-sponsor relationships, and partnerships to advance GLOBE. She has developed and led a range of initiatives that focus on engaging leaders from STEM industries, corporations, schools, and communities in collaborating to improve students’ outcomes. In addition, she has led an international biotechnology education program for more than 10 years. Rebecca lives in Massachusetts.



GIO Communications

Leana Nordstrom
Communications Lead
Kerry Ouellet
Communications Manager
Pradipti Bhatta
Communications Specialist
Shanna Russ
Communications Specialist

GIO Community Support

Jackie DeLisi
Community Engagement Specialist



Evangeline Ambat
Community Engagement Specialist


Amy Busey
Community Engagement Specialist


Alyssa Na'am
Community Engagement Specialist


Anne Wang
Community Engagement Specialist


GIO Data Science

Grace Crain-Wright
Science Coordinator
​​​​​​​ Gregory Hoffman
Data Analyst

GIO Education

Simon Castro-Wooldridge
Education Coordinator
​​​​​​​ Alison Mote
Education Specialist

GIO International

​​​​​​​ Lyn Wigbels
International Coordinator