Topics: GISN Message Boards, Call for Collaborators

Connect with Other Members

Did you know that there are GISN message boards?

Currently, there are a few threads on the Discussion Forum page. Hopefully, members will start filling up these threads and creating new ones to turn this forum into a great resource to share ideas, advice, and connect with other mentors.

A few new threads have been added to get the ball rolling:

  • Early Career: Early Career STEM Professionals can use this thread to network with other EC members, OR more experienced GISN members can post advice or resources to help EC members.

  • Meeting Meet-Up: Use this thread to let other GISN members know if you will be at a scientific conference or meeting, and plan an informal meet-up.

  • Resources: This can be anything from career advice to career opportunities. Post about funding resources, networking advice, or share experiences with navigating conferences.

Please start posting in these threads, and add new ones that you think will be helpful to fellow GISN members. Check back occasionally to see what other members are writing!
Current threads on the GISN message boards

GISN Discussion Forum (Message Boards) 
Call for Collaborators

GISN Member Marilé Colón Robles has put out a call looking for GISN collaborators!

The NASA GLOBE Clouds team is looking for members of the GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN) or any researcher that would be interested in publishing research (as lead or co-author) using the GLOBE Clouds data.

Please see her blog post for additional details.


The IVSS is coming up and we need judges! Judging takes place between 25 April and 5 May. Judges will score student submitted projects from around the world and provide valuable feedback to the students. Scoring takes anywhere from one hour to several hours depending on how much time you are willing to commit.

If you are interested in helping IVSS students in other ways, please check out the Students Needing Mentors page to see if you can help any of the students looking for help on their projects.

Judging IVSS projects or mentoring students will fulfill your annual GISN Member Activity requirement!

GISN Member Activity Form

Thank you for filling out the GISN Member Activity Form with your 2018 participation! Please remember to fill it out annually to stay active in the GISN.

GISN Member Activity Form
The GLOBE Program: Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment
The GLOBE Program, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, 3090 Center Green Drive, Boulder, CO 80301