DEI Task Force

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force

Important: The GLOBE DEI Task Force has transitioned into the GLOBE Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) Working group. For all current information related to DEIA at GLOBE, check out the GLOBE DEIA Working Group page.

With the support of GLOBE Program Sponsors from NASA and NSF, in the fall of 2019 the GLOBE DEI Task Force was formed with the goal of creating a GLOBE statement and implementation plan on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. In February 2020 the group met in Boulder, Colorado for a DEI workshop, and to begin working on these statements. This group has met monthly ever since to collaboratively produce the statements shown below. These statements and action plan were presented to the GLOBE Community at the 2020 Virtual Meeting. A recording of this presentation can be found on GLOBE's Annual Meeting videos page

DEI Task Force Members


Shadrack Agyiri (Ghana) Jill Karsten (USA)
Jennifer Bourgeault (USA) Julie Malmberg (USA)
Katie Chapman (USA) Josette Neal-De-Stanton (USA)
Kimberly Davis (USA) David Padgett (USA)
Mindi DePaola (USA) Richard Parsons (USA)
Francis Emralino (Philippines) Marina Pavlic (Croatia)
Wrayna Fairchild (USA) Ana Prieto (Argentina)
Trena Ferrell (USA) Nate Raynor (USA)
Rosalba Giarratano (USA) Juan Felipe Restrepo Mesa (Colombia)
Kate Goss (USA) Elena Sparrow (USA)
Nikitah Imani (USA) Josephine Joy Tolentino (Philippines)

Action Plan (detailed):

  • Create DEI Working Group
  • Administer DEI Assessments
  • Build a DEI Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
  • Develop DEI based Resources
  • Establish DEI Training Opportunities
  • Form DEI Supportive Partnerships
  • Find funding for DEI
  • Communicate DEI Initiatives

To see translations of the draft DEI Definitions, Mission, Vision and overview of the Draft Action Plan, click here.

Recent DEIA-Related Blog Posts


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null Bridging the Socioeconomic Divide in Science Learning and Performance

As educators, we are all too familiar with the challenges that socioeconomic disparities pose to our students' learning and academic performance. This is particularly evident in the field of science, where students from low-income backgrounds often lag behind their more affluent peers in terms of achievement and engagement.

One of the primary factors contributing to the socioeconomic divide in science learning is the lack of access to high-quality educational resources and experiences for students from low-income backgrounds. This can include everything from inadequate classroom materials and outdated technology to a lack of opportunities for hands-on learning and scientific exploration outside of the classroom. A recent study published in the journal Science Education found that students from low-income backgrounds were significantly less likely to have access to science-related resources and experiences, both in and out of school, than their more affluent peers.

Another factor that can contribute to the socioeconomic divide in science learning is the "insurance poverty premium" that many low-income families face. This term refers to the higher costs that individuals and families with limited financial resources often pay for essential services, such as insurance, compared to those with more financial stability. In the context of education, this can translate to fewer resources being available for schools in low-income areas, resulting in a lower quality of education for students. A recent report on New Zealand's insurance poverty premium highlights the challenges that this issue presents for families and communities, and underscores the need for systemic change to address these disparities.

So, what can we as educators do to help bridge the socioeconomic divide in science learning and performance? Here are a few strategies to consider:

1. Advocate for equitable funding and resources: Work with your school, district, and local community to advocate for increased funding and resources for science education in low-income areas. This can include lobbying for updated classroom materials and technology, as well as advocating for the creation of science-focused after-school programs and extracurricular activities.

2. Foster a growth mindset: Encourage students to develop a growth mindset by emphasizing the importance of effort and persistence in science learning. Research has shown that students with a growth mindset are more likely to persevere in the face of challenges and setbacks, which can help to level the playing field for students from low-income backgrounds.

3. Cultivate a sense of belonging: Make an effort to create an inclusive and welcoming classroom environment where all students feel valued and supported in their science learning. This can include incorporating diverse perspectives and experiences into your curriculum, as well as providing opportunities for students to collaborate and learn from one another.

4. Engage families and communities in science learning: Involve parents and community members in science education by hosting family science nights, inviting guest speakers from local industries, and partnering with community organizations to provide hands-on learning experiences for students. This can help to create a supportive network for students from low-income backgrounds and expose them to a wider range of science-related resources and experiences.

5. Provide targeted support and interventions: Identify students who may be struggling with science concepts or skills, and provide targeted support and interventions to help them catch up to their peers. This can include one-on-one tutoring, small group instruction, or additional resources and materials to support their learning.

By implementing these strategies and working together as a community of educators, we can help to bridge the socioeconomic divide in science learning and performance, and ensure that all students have the opportunity to succeed in this critical field.