DEI Task Force

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force

Important: The GLOBE DEI Task Force has transitioned into the GLOBE Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) Working group. For all current information related to DEIA at GLOBE, check out the GLOBE DEIA Working Group page.

With the support of GLOBE Program Sponsors from NASA and NSF, in the fall of 2019 the GLOBE DEI Task Force was formed with the goal of creating a GLOBE statement and implementation plan on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. In February 2020 the group met in Boulder, Colorado for a DEI workshop, and to begin working on these statements. This group has met monthly ever since to collaboratively produce the statements shown below. These statements and action plan were presented to the GLOBE Community at the 2020 Virtual Meeting. A recording of this presentation can be found on GLOBE's Annual Meeting videos page

DEI Task Force Members


Shadrack Agyiri (Ghana) Jill Karsten (USA)
Jennifer Bourgeault (USA) Julie Malmberg (USA)
Katie Chapman (USA) Josette Neal-De-Stanton (USA)
Kimberly Davis (USA) David Padgett (USA)
Mindi DePaola (USA) Richard Parsons (USA)
Francis Emralino (Philippines) Marina Pavlic (Croatia)
Wrayna Fairchild (USA) Ana Prieto (Argentina)
Trena Ferrell (USA) Nate Raynor (USA)
Rosalba Giarratano (USA) Juan Felipe Restrepo Mesa (Colombia)
Kate Goss (USA) Elena Sparrow (USA)
Nikitah Imani (USA) Josephine Joy Tolentino (Philippines)

Action Plan (detailed):

  • Create DEI Working Group
  • Administer DEI Assessments
  • Build a DEI Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
  • Develop DEI based Resources
  • Establish DEI Training Opportunities
  • Form DEI Supportive Partnerships
  • Find funding for DEI
  • Communicate DEI Initiatives

To see translations of the draft DEI Definitions, Mission, Vision and overview of the Draft Action Plan, click here.

Recent DEIA-Related Blog Posts


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      By Mrs. Berthy Buah - Country Coordinator GLOBE Ghana 
                                                             Greater Accra Regional STMIE Coordinator 
 The world Mosquito Day which is celebrated annually in honouring the scientist who 
first discovered that the female Anopheles mosquito transmit malaria in 1987-Sir Ronald Ross is being 
used to educate people on the causes effect and prevention of malaria and also used to raise funds 
for malaria related researches. In Ghana empirical evidence shows that a lot is been done by donors, 
researchers, NGOs, Media groups Public healthcare professionals, and concern Citizens by providing 
mosquito nets and creating awareness on malaria prevention basically in children and pregnant 
women. In spite of these interventions, it is still a challenge in reducing malaria prevalence in the 
GHANA EDUCATION SERVICE with the help of American Embassy-Ghana, log on to a programme called 
GLOBE( Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment).The Programme which has its 
implementation Office in USA and is being moderated by this Implementation Office and being 
sponsored by NASA, NSF, NOA and US Department of States has come up with an App called Mosquito 
Habitat Mapper as part of its protocols understudy by students, teachers and citizen scientists across 
the globe. The App has an inbuilt GPSS and Data entry site which could store large amount of data 
over long period of time. The App runs on android phones and with the help of digital microscope can
help identify species of mosquito larvae which can serve as a good source of information as to which 
species of mosquito larvae and which kind of mosquito related diseases can be envisage in a particular 
community in the country since mosquito does not causes only malaria.
It has come to a point where we need this type of technology to assist us as a country in our fight 
against the spread of mosquito borne diseases and it’s devastating effect on the economy and the citizenry. 

. We also have to bear in mind that we are not living in isolation, we belong 
to a global community where our actions and inactions have direct and indirect effect 
on other countries and there needs to regulate human activities that posses health 
dangers to us and other sister communities around us. Since Zika virus which is carried 
by mosquito is now becoming a threat to other part of the globe, Ghanaians must 
intensify our fight against mosquito breeding so that we do not fall a prey to other forms of mosquito 
related diseases. We therefore call on all Non Governmental Organisations, Donors, Citizen Scientist,
UN Department of States In the Country, AGI, Association of Hotels, Governmental Agencies,
Community Leaders, Civil Societies, Faith Based Organisations, Scientists, Research Institutions and 
concern Citizens to support GLOBE Ghana to train Students, Teachers, Media groups and Citizen 
Scientist in the use of the App to gather data to help fight the eradication of mosquito breeding sites 
in the country.
Get trained, Get involved and let’s raise a fight against mosquito breeding in the country. Contact us 
on 0244085615 email- You can also register on as a GLOBE 
Citizen Scientist .

  Reecent training organised for 13 fresh graduate volunteers for mosquito habitat 
mapping using the App.