
First Footsteps onto Antarctica are of Deception


Volcanoes, a steamy lagoon, abandoned buildings, abundant wildlife: my first sight of Antarctica. This is a deception of my prediction of Antarctica, which is quite fitting for the name of our first landing:  Deception Island. 


The first documented people, sealers in the 1800’s, were deceived as they sailed through the entrance point, Neptune’s Bellow.  They thought they’d reach open sea, but were instead encased in this horseshoe-shaped island. 


The very first Antarctic fur seal sighting will stick in my mind forever.  I sat 5 meters away – the required minimum distance according to the International Antarctic Treaty.  Expedition leaders tried to shoo me off the beach to start the first hike, but I didn’t want to leave this fur seal, unaware that I’d see dozens more later in the afternoon. 


This island holds diverse land and water features including ash-covered glaciers, lakes, large-flooded caldera upon an active volcano.  It last erupted in the 1960’s and who’s to say it won’t burst before our first Antarctic hike is through?  Rather than panic over this thought and rush to leave, my 11-year-old friend encouraged me to pause, close my eyes, and take it all in with her. 



Instead of a volcanic eruption, I got my first taste of another nature force – Antarctic winds!  These strong gusts would come off the cold glacier, burn my face, take my breath away, and I’d dropping to my knees to defend being knocked off the hilltop. 


So much to marvel over from only our first landing!  Later that afternoon we arrived at Whaler’s Bay where I collected my first water sample for GLOBE, but I’ll save that for my next blog entry!  

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wow, an 11 year old went on the trip.
Yes Kevin, when she asked Robert Swan, the founder of the 2041 Foundation and leader of the expedition, "how do I save the world?", he told her to come to Antarctica to learn more about the world. She did double the fundraising since she needed to have a parent with her. Best of all, she learned GLOBE protocols with me!