
Participation in the GLOBE Regional Annual Meeting & Training

On June 4-7, 2018, I participated in the Annual Country Representative meeting and Strategic Planning for Sustainability and Participation workshop in Lome, Togo. The meeting was followed by Teacher training in the GLOBE Observer Apps and a Mosquito/Zika training workshop.  The Training was rewarding and the need for Liberia to begin immediate action is now. 

The Liberia office will be conducting 6 GLOBE Observers Apps and Mosquito/Zika Virus training Workshop soon.  Participants will be selected from Public Health Workers, Scientists, teachers and Community Leaders in 6 communities in eight (8) counties in Liberia.    A Total of 150 persons is expected to be trained during the period of the six (6) workshops.

At the end of these workshops, we expect data collection from Liberia to be reported in the 8 counties.  We will also encourage communities and public health action to be taken from the report.

We look forward to greater participation.