Get Started Overview

Get Started

Mountains and glaciers with water in the middle. Three main glaciers with text. 721.8 m above sea level, 742 m, and 122.4 above sea level.

GLOBE would not be where it is today without the support of our many partners and contributors. We rely on people with many different backgrounds to help grow our collective understanding of an everchanging world. Whether you are an educator, student, science professional or an interested individual eager to learn about Earth system science, GLOBE has a place for you.

From research missions to educational campaigns, GLOBE community members and participants are laying the groundwork for globally collaborative research. To join our growing network, you can sign up as a member, complete your GLOBE science protocol training, utilize our research data or contribute through the GLOBE Program's mobile app, GLOBE Observer.

Learn more about our training and membership opportunities by choosing the category that best describes you:

Teachers and Educators

Teachers and educators are at the heart of the GLOBE mission. That is why we have created a wealth of educational resources focused on K-12 students, including Earth science storybooks, lesson plans and activities to suit kids of all ages. Furthermore, GLOBE teachers report positive changes towards science engagement from their students after using our educational protocols and standards. 

You can start your GLOBE journey today by creating a teacher account.

Measurement Campaigns

Our worldwide measurement campaigns are the vital pillars of our community. To contribute to GLOBE's databases, you must attend either an in-person training or complete our Protocol eTraining modules

Student Research

Help your students showcase their hard work and research at one of our symposia. During their projects, they will learn crucial scientific skills and interact with their peers and science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) professionals. Learn more about:

No Training Required

Training Required


To see if we have a resource available in your language, check out Translated Material


GLOBE Observers (Citizen Scientists)

You do not have to be a professional scientist to conduct valuable research. Contribute meaningful data, learn about our changing world and join an international network of citizen scientists and researchers working together to solve Earth's biggest natural mysteries. 

To get started on your GLOBE journey:



GISN and STEM Professionals

No matter the stage of your scientific career, GLOBE has a treasure trove of Earth science data just waiting to be analyzed. Whether or not you are in STEM, our publicly-sourced Earth Science database is available for your next research project. 

To see where GLOBE data can take you, see the academic publications inspired by our protocols.

Get Connected

Connecting STEM professionals with students is an important part of ushering in the next generation of researchers. That is why we have created the GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN), a community focused on building working relationships between the scientists of today and those of tomorrow. 

To join the GISN and start your next big collaboration, you must first sign up for a GLOBE Observer account.  

U.S. Partners and Country Coordinators

Want to bring GLOBE to your community? Our U.S. partners and country coordinators have helped us expand GLOBE to over 120 countries by:

  • Recruiting schools into the GLOBE Program
  • Securing funding for GLOBE activities
  • Participating in our events
  • Tracking student research efforts
  • Offering training opportunities for educators and citizen scientists
  • Creating opportunities for students and citizens to actively participate in Earth science research

Note: Our partners are typically long-term members of GLOBE with experience implementing our curriculum in schools and organizations.

Become a GLOBE Country/Country Coordinator

Before your country's citizens can contribute to GLOBE's Earth science database, your country itself must sign a bilateral agreement with the U.S. government. Then, country coordinators are nominated by their governments to start implementing GLOBE protocols in their communities. 

If you live in a GLOBE country and are interested in becoming a country coordinator, contact our Community Support Team.

Become a GLOBE U.S. Partner 

Our partners are instrumental in incorporating GLOBE educational protocols into U.S. communities. We work with various parties whose priorities align with our own, including:

  • Academic organizations
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Governmental organizations
  • Business/Private organizations

To discover what kinds of organizations we typically partner with, check out our current GLOBE U.S. partners. 

Learn more about our vision and mission statement.

Note: To become a U.S. partner, you must lead a sustainable implementation of GLOBE in your community and maintain a formal affiliation with either:

  • An institution of higher education
  • A school district
  • A State Department of Education
  • A recognized informal education organization (501c3), like a STEM learning center, museum or foundation

Learn more about becoming a GLOBE Partner.


GLOBE Alumni

GLOBE Alumni are the link between current GLOBE students and life post-graduation.  Alumni work directly with a number of GLOBE affiliates from country coordinators and scientists, to teachers and students. Through their support, they provide the program with invaluable knowledge on what areas to focus our attention and where GLOBE can be further enhanced. Alumni can also continue to add to our databases through the GLOBE Observer app.

To join the growing community of GLOBE graduates, register as an Alumnus today.

Student Accounts

Student Accounts are limited-access GLOBE accounts teachers can set up for their students. This allows teachers to create a space for students to enter their GLOBE data, interact with the GLOBE Observer app and navigate the GLOBE website. 

Student Accounts work with both the GLOBE Data Entry and GLOBE Observer apps. When measurements are entered into either app with the same account, it will enter our databases and be associated with your teacher account and school. Teachers can also change the password and edit or delete a student account at any time.

Learn more about creating a Student Account

Account management

To modify your Student Account:

  1. At the top of any page, on the right, select your account circle.
  2. Click My Page.
  3. Under your bio, click View Student Accounts.
  4. Select the account you want to manage. 
  5. Make the desired changes.
  6. Click Save.


  • Student Accounts can only be created by a GLOBE-trained teacher.
  • Account creation is limited to 50 student accounts per teacher per school.
  • Students can not send or receive email from this account.
  • By default, all student accounts have their teacher added as a friend.
  • Students can upload images to the school's image gallery, but they can not change any information on the school's page.
  • Students can log in to GLOBE, post to forums, add other GLOBE members as friends and comment on blogs with this account.

Best Practices

  • The student's name should not be used in the account name.
  • Rather than set up one account per student, it may be preferable to set up one account per class period. For example, "biology_period1."
  • Keep in mind that anyone with this account can delete or edit your measurement data. To protect your data, change your passwords regularly to ensure only authorized users can use the account.


For additional Student Account support, contact the GLOBE Help Desk

Opt-In to GLOBE Communications

To stay in touch with GLOBE and receive the most up-to-date news, you can opt-in to our communication network. When you join our mailing list, you will receive content like:

  • The GLOBE News Brief
  • Letters to the community
  • Updates on upcoming GLOBE events
  • Other messages from the GLOBE Communications Team

Tip: GLOBE will never disclose or sell your personal information to outside parties. You can also opt-out of GLOBE communications at any time.

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