
Rubrics as an assessment tool.

Hello GLOBE friends!

The Evaluation Working Group has recently shared with you the results of the 2015 survey that was sent to the GLOBE teachers. The results from this survey, along with the results from the Annual Partner Survey provided us  with useful information as to how to better support  GLOBE in the classroom. Among other things,. the feedback we had from the teachers was that they are asking for evaluation tools they can use in their classrooms and for guidance on how to use these  tools.

During our discussions in the Working Group we thought about this request and decided to suggest to the Community an evaluation tool that already exists in GLOBE: the rubrics.

You are familiar with the rubrics being used by a team of scientists to score the International Virtual Science Fair (now International Virtual Science Symposium, for which student projects are due on 3 April 2017) projects.  

We are suggesting that you think about the potential use of the rubrics in your classroom for written assignments  and projects of your students.

Rubrics can help teachers :

  • Assess students' work with consistency
  • Give effective feedback and promote student learning
  • Clarify their expectations and the components of the assignment

And rubrics can help students:

  • Understand what the expectations and components of their assignment
  • Follow their learning process more clearly
  • Improve their work from the feedback they get.

Check out the rubrics - that are listed by grade level.-on the GLOBE website at:

And remember that our Working Group is looking for feedback from you on :existing student assessment and program evaluation tools that can be shared with the community and existing data that you  have from your studies on GLOBE's effectiveness.

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Thanks for sharing this post with the community. It is important for teachers and students willing to participate in the virtual science fair, to refresh the rubrics to present the projects. As I mentioned during our group last meeting, in my country is difficult to participate in the science fair because of the period of classes (March to December), so I will try to encourage teachers to start preparing projects during this year for 2018 science fair according to these rubrics. Maybe it is necessary for them to give them translated to Spanish as an extra help!
Thanks Andrea! I think your idea is great. Lets discuss this more during our next meeting.