
As spring begins here in the northern hemisphere, we often see seasonal changes in our precipitation patterns. As most of you know, heavy rains can result in the mass movement of land- known as "landslides".  These natural hazards occur all over the world, and often result in destruction of property and even death. Scientists at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center are in the process of building an open worldwide database for landslide research- and we need you to help us out!

Learn about the "Landslide Reporter" citizen science program in this blog.  Learn more about NASA's "Global Landslide Catalog" by watching this short video. Learn more about NASA's "Landslide Viewerhere. Think about how you could use GLOBE observations to help determine the potential for landslide activity in your location. By collecting precipitation, soil type, soil moisture, cloud, and land cover data, you could assess the current conditions and continually monitor your location for potential landslide activity. You could also compare and contrast your data with other GLOBE schools who are in locations where landslides have occured.  

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