
SMAP Training Workshop at Atlanta Science Festival a Huge Success!

"The Atlanta Science Festival is an annual public celebration of local science and technology. From March 19-26, 2016, curious people of all ages will explore the science and technology in our region and see how science is connected to all parts of our lives in 100 engaging events, including hands-on activities, facility tours, presentations, and performances throughout the metro Atlanta region." ---

On Saturday, March 19, there was a GLOBE/SMAP Training Workshops at the Captain Planet Foundation. Participants learned how to take soil moisture samples via the SMAP Block Pattern Soil Moisture Protocol.

Lots of happy teachers wanted to say thanks to the Atlanta Science Festival, Emory University, and SciStarter for the wonderful soil moisture collection and drying supplies, and to NASA and Globe for the awesome opportunity to engage students in real science.

NASA and the SMAP mission would like to welcome all of your to the GLOBE/SMAP team and happy soil moisture collecting!


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Very nice report. I like such short but informative way to communicate events. We will support it with our reports.
Great! emoticon
We had SMAP Training Workshop in Osijek, Croatia!