
Hello, GLOBE Family!

You may be familiar with my dichotomous cloud key!  I am a meteorologist and educator who is interested in better understanding students ideas of weather and climate related topics.

Would you help me launch an international research study to compare students' understanding around the WORLD and around different climate zones? How well can our students differentiate between WEATHER and CLIMATE and how well do they understand the complex ideas of CLIMATE CHANGE.

Would you be willing to have your students take 20 minutes to complete this 25 question feedback survey?  If you work with teachers, would you be willing to send this to your teachers for their students to complete it?

Students should be between 11 to 22 years of age and it should take them approximately 20 minutes to complete. Please provide them the latitude of your school and also the climate zone of your school (A – Equatorial, B – Arid, C – Warm Temperate, D – Snow, E - Polar). There are 4 questions that require them to write their own responses. These responses can be in your native language or English, whichever you feel is best.

I am working to have the survey translated to various languages. Currently, it is available in English, Spanish and Croatian (links are below). The links below take you directly to the survey. All responses are anonymous which means that students never provide identifiable information like their name.




Thank you KINDLY for taking the time to consider this request.  I plan on sharing with the community through several blog posts about the interesting results from this study.

Many thanks!  Muchas Gracias!!

Tina Cartwright


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