
United States GLOBE 2017 Accomplishments

At the Annual Meeting in Connecticut this summer, I asked the United States GLOBE partners and teachers to write down one GLOBE-related accomplishment on an index card. It could be either professional or personal, something that was time-consuming or one that took minutes. Whatever it was, it had to have made them proud or excited about their year in GLOBE. The responses are below:


  • One of the 21CCLC (after school) student groups that I worked with attended and received a Science Research Award at the SRS in New Jersey.
  • Wrote an article on Education Outreach - various activities with GLOBE showing up which have a long-lasting effect on teachers doing GLOBE.
  • Had the opportunity to be a part of multiple training sessions in aspiration of becoming a GLOBE trainer for my East Coast region.
  • Certified about 20 Pre-service teachers in GLOBE Atmosphere protocols.
  • Pulling off 2 Elementary GLOBE trainings in the month of July for K-8 teachers. Teachers were required to come with a partner.
  • Got a job in GLOBE!
  • Having students in kindergarten and first grade present winning posters at our science conference. They were students of teachers we have trained in GLOBE who use vertical integration. Students did research and older students typed up the information.
  • Was able to get Elementary GLOBE Readers distributed at National Science Teachers Association Conference.
  • UTT Teams participated in Southwest SRS (I drove them from Texas and survived a tornado).
  • We joined GLOBE and sang for LAUSD, mayor, and conference- debuted “The world around me” as the youngest singing science cohort in LAUSD and ESC NW district area.  We posted an aerosol video on youtube created with 4th graders, high school, and principal. We are working with city parks, school district and trees.
  • Bringing together state department, GLOBE children, teachers and future mayor of San Antonio.
  • Completed Masters of Ed capstone action research paper about how I integrated GLOBE into an elective class titled “Atmospheric Research- Do students really feel part of the scientific community?”
  • I took cloud observations using the app at my son’s marching band practice.
  • I helped communities all over Alaska develop projects to address the most pressing local climate change issues using GLOBE protocols.
  • Became a US Partner!
  • Had engineering students make weathers instruments to take GLOBE observations.
  • In our PD, I took charge of getting our teachers to set up their GLOBE atmosphere sites during their time with us. Prior to this, our teachers did not do this during our PD, and I would have to visit the schools to help them do this.
  • Implemented GLOBE at my school in grades pre-K through 8. Used Elementary GLOBE and various protocols.
  • Launch of updated Cloud App.
  • I completed several GLOBE eTraining modules.
  • Making an inroad to creating GLOBE integration into ELED ESS course.
  • I got to help - actually did my 1st GLOBE Training!
  • Regional Science Symposium- big improvement of project quality.
  • Successfully led the GLOBE ENSO student research campaign.
  • Helped students organize a project for the science symposium at JPL.
  • We wrote a research proposal with the potential use of GLOBE as a key feature.
  • Career webinars.
  • Updated Cloud Protocol-  implemented with working cloud satellite matching.


The list captures the depth and the breadth in the activities of the GLOBE community to our mission. It also captures the GLOBE partners’ and teachers’ commitment, outreach efforts and knowledge-building to improve science literacy for and with the students they reach.

Picture Mosaic of the Earth
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

This is the strength of GLOBE.

This is our community.

This is what we celebrate – each of us doing our part, capitalizing on our strengths, and working in partnership with our colleagues.

Please consider making your accomplishments known to our community.

Feel free to comment below and add yours there too!
Note: That doesn't get you out of doing one of the three above though!

Let’s celebrate GLOBE 2017.



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