
Happy Fall! This is certainly not the typical beginning of the academic year we had hoped for, but I hear amazing things about GLOBE teachers across the country making it work remotely, through in-person hybrids and for some, completely in-person. I hope you find little tidbits here that you can use.  Stay safe and stay well friends!

Resources that came skidding across my desk (aka my dining room table) this month:

Partner News

 US Regional GLOBE Student Research Symposia (SRS)


MailChimp (to U.S. Partners and Teachers) Note: There are some interesting links and resources in the e-blasts too.

Weekly Watercooler (Playlist)

  • Check-in around the country - Jennifer Bourgeault (10 September 2020)
  • 2021 SRS – Jennifer Bourgeault (17 September 2020)
  • Hybrid PD – Kevin Czajkowski, Michael Jabot, Mitchell Klett (24 September 2020)

This Month’s News Items


Posted some of the GLOBE Mission EARTH Roundtable discussions with teachers who innovated ways to use GLOBE during remote/virtual teaching. Still awaiting permission from a couple more teachers to make them public.


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