2023 Resources

2023 IVSS: Resources

Below you can find resources for students, teachers, and judges in relation to the IVSS report writing and scoring process.  If you need any additional resources, you can email globehelp@ucar.edu.

Resource Translations

Previous Virtual Symposia

Check out the IVSS reports, presentations, and resources from the past below: 

December 2020 Blog

Have you ever wondered what happens after you press submit on your International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS) report? When IVSS reports come in, the GIO Education team gets to work. Read What Happens After You Submit an IVSS Report: The GIO Process to get a peek “behind the curtains” of the IVSS!

Student Resources

Ten Secrets to Giving a Good Scientific Talk

Classic Poster Template 

  • PowerPoint | PDF 
    • Note: These templates include middle school and high school/undergraduate elements. Modify as needed for primary school applications.

Creative Poster Examples

References and Support for the use of Creative, Visual Presentation Tools


Teacher Resources

Judge Resources

To find tips on providing student feedback, check out our Student Feedback Guide.