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New Eclipse 1 page Activities

Jessica Taylor, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 8 Join Date: 6/19/12 Recent Posts
So many GLOBE members have mentioned that they will be doing an eclipse event on their first day of school.  What a way to start the school year!  Our team has worked on a couple activities that you might find helpful.  

The first activity is an Eclipse Observation Organizer. This sheet is all about encouraging and practicing observation skills. Educators will want to look up some specifics about the eclipse at your location including: start and end time, time of max coverage, and percentage cover. Learners should write this onto their sheet.  You can find this information through a few online resources.  Here are my top two resources for this: https://eclipse2017.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/interactive_map/index.html and https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/. There are other data sheets that are more appropriate for data collection and entry, this one is about general observations.

The second activity is an Eclipse Reading Activity. This sheet provides a couple different prompts on the eclipse more focussed through English Language Arts. 

Hope these are helpful!