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Special Opportunity for US GLOBE Schools

Dorian Wood Janney, modified 5 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 39 Join Date: 7/13/12 Recent Posts
As a member of the Mission Mosquito Community, I would like to extend a special invitation to you for an initiative that The GLOBE Program is sponsoring.  The information from the GLOBE Implementation Office is below. Thanks for considering it!!!

In spring 2018 in partnership with the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, the GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention project hosted four schools in three GLOBE regions (Latin America and Caribbean, Africa, Asia and Pacific) in a three-month Virtual Exchange program.
Students and teachers met on average twice per month for one hour each session via Zoom to share their collective GLOBE mosquito research experience and learn how to tell a science story.
The feedback from the teachers participating in the spring Virtual Exchange program was overwhelmingly positive, including:
·  Students developed more interest in science and research;
·  Students loved being a part of an international exchange; able to meet and learn from others around the world;
·  Students gained confidence in oral speech skills.
The Department of State and GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention project is interested in hosting another Virtual Exchange program (tentatively scheduled to start in or shortly after January 2019) and is looking for U.S. schools interested in participating.
Please let the GIO team at mosquitoes@globe.gov know if you might be interested or having any questions.
We are seeking U.S. participants that are able to meet the following criteria:
Schools are actively making and reporting mosquito protocol observations
Access to wifi;
Ability to set up and use a Zoom account;
Approximately 10 hours over a three month period to prep for and participate in the Virtual Exchange sessions.

You folks are the absolute best- and we hope to see a few US schools collaborating through this special opportunity!
