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MHM Data Entry Scoreboard

Dorian Wood Janney, modified 5 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 39 Join Date: 7/13/12 Recent Posts
Let's hear it for our Top GLOBE Mosquito Habitat Mapper Data submitters for the past two weeks!  

As of Jan. 2nd, 2019- Here's our Scoreboard:

Data Entries                  School/ Teacher                                                    Country
Institucion Educativa de Gambote/ Arrieta                         Columbia
9                              Leon Valley Public Library/ Garza                                Texas/ USA
5                                 Ecola Minas Gerais/ Mauad                                          Brazil
3                     Lycee Technique Industriel Et Commercial/Tsopmo             Cameroon
3                                 Lysee Seydina Limamoulaye/Diouf                             Senegal
3                              Graves Elementary School/ Quintana                           Ohio, USA
3                                   Banlankrabue/ Chonchankit                                     Thailand
3                                Senegal GLOVE V- school/ Fall                                    Senegal

Keep up the great work- we want to see these numbers growing and the potential places where mosquitoes can lay their eggs shrinking. I will be updating this weekly on Wednesdays.