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GOES-R Launch Scheduled for 19 November

John D. Moore, modified 1 Year ago.
Padawan Posts: 27 Join Date: 12/15/11 Recent Posts
You can get daily updates via this GOES-R blog ...

On Thursday there will be two live briefings on NASA TV (http://www.nasa.gov/nasatv):

1 p.m est., Thursday, November 17 - GOES-R Prelaunch News Conference (all channels)
Briefing participants are:
        Stephen Volz, assistant administrator for NOAA satellite and information services,
        Sandra Smalley, director, Joint Agency Satellite Division, NASA Headquarters
        Omar Baez, launch director, NASA Kennedy
        Scott Messer, program manager, NASA Missions, United Launch Alliance
        Greg Mandt, GOES-R system program director, NOAA
        Clay Flinn, launch weather officer, 45th Weather Squadron, Cape Canaveral

2 p.m. est, Thursday, November 17 - GOES-R Mission Briefing (all channels)
Briefing participants include:
     Steven Goodman, GOES-R program scientist, NOAA
     Laura Furgione, deputy director, National Weather Service
     Sandra Cauffman, deputy director, Earth Science Division, NASA Headquarters

You can also follow the GOES-R mission via social media :



Finally, watch the launch LIVE on Saturday via NASA TV starting at 4pm est...