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GOES-R Separation in Space

John D. Moore, modified 1 Year ago.
Padawan Posts: 27 Join Date: 12/15/11 Recent Posts
GOES-R (now GOES 16) separation in space.


From NESDIS News, Dec 2016)

 What's next for GOES-16?

After a series of maneuvers, conducted using the satellite's hydrazine bipropellent thrusters (HBTs), GOES-16 has placed itself in its designated 89.5 degree West longitude checkout location where it will undergo an extended validation phase lasting approximately one year.
GOES-16's magnetometer boom has now been deployed and the satellite's primary instruments, the ABI, GLM, SUVI, EXIS, and SEISS, are being powered on and tested.
The GOES-R ground system is also reporting that the system is stable and preforming very well. The ground systems have successfully supported launch, orbit raising, and spacecraft activation, and will now prepare for the first data to begin flowing from the satellite.