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Artificial Lakes as Sources of Pollution: the Example of Haage and Ropka Water Reservoirs

Student(s):Uku Andreas Reigo
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Educator(s):Maiu Kaljuorg
Contributors:Ronald Laarmaa, Helgi Muoni, Laura Altin, Anu Reigo, Johanna Raudsepp, the Estonian University of Life Sciences, GLOBE Estonia
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Nitrates, Salinity, pH, Water Temperature
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:02/28/2018
Haage and Ropka water reservoirs, created in the 1970s near pre-existing settlements, are relatively shallow and have had problems with water quality. After sediment and vegetation removal procedures the increase of human population in the surroundings has continued. The ecological status of these lakes changing rapidly, contemporary analyses are needed to monitor them. Recording of the characteristics of the sites and collecting of water samples were carried out at five timepoints from September 17 to November 24, 2017. Different water quality parameters were obtained, using the YSI Pro Plus 6600 (YSI Incorporated) and the AQUANAL™-Oekotest Water Laboratory (Sigma-Aldrich) testcase. Total phosphorus and total nitrogen concentrations were measured in the laboratories of the Estonian University of Life Sciences’ (EULS) Chair of Hydrobiology and Fishery. The amount of nitrogen increased in both lakes, more in Ropka, while the amount of phosphorus rose slightly in Haage, but decreased severely in Ropka. The amounts of phosphorus and nitrogen moving through the lakes reflect the effect of the body of water and the dam in question. Our research suggests the latter do indeed have some negative effect on the water, but so far this does not exceed the self-balancing capacity of these lakes as ecosystems.


This is a really nice project. It has real world application. You are looking at a problem that is common across the world. I'm sure many people would benefit from learning your results.