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Can clouds help me predict weather?

Organization(s):Rochester School
Student(s):All students from second grade at Rochester School participated in class in the project. Manuela Venegas is the Science teacher in charge of doing the project with the students.
Grade Level:Lower Primary (grades K-2, ages 5-8)
GLOBE Educator(s):Maria Del Pilar Tunarroza
Contributors:Pilar Tunarroza, Science Coordinator
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Air Temperature, Clouds
Presentation Video: View Video
Date Submitted:03/11/2020
Rochester School second graders with Globe's charts to observe clouds
Second graders want to know if clouds and temperature data are related to each other and help them predict weather, to know how to protect from rainy or dry seasons. Students practice their observation skills by observing clouds cover to comprehend how the local weather can change. By recording daily observations, students were able to begin to identify patterns and predict the weather in order to communicate the results to the community, and help them achieve health competence by knowing when rainy and dry seasons are more often to happen. Students answer their research question and prove how to predict weather. They also propose a new experiment to find out if the behavior of clouds and temperature is the same at night.
