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Examine the suitability of groundwater in the Ghuraifa area for human use and agricultural irrigation

Student(s):Jinan Saeed Salem Al-Alawi Raghed Saif Suleiman Al-Kalbani Hams Mohammad Saif Al-Yazidi
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Educator(s):Naeema Said Alghaithi
Contributors:Ahmed AL Balushi and and Maryam Al Rawahiya members of the central team of the program. agricultural engineer, Ahmed Al-Eisaei General Directorate of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources in the governorate, the Food Quality and Safety Center, and the head of the Water Quality Department A. Layla Al-Isayya
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:pH, Water Temperature, Salinity, Conductivity, Soil Temperature, Soil pH, Soil Fertility, Soil Characterization, Earth As a System
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:03/06/2020
Students' application of protocols
The research aims to study the characteristics of well water in the Ghuraifa area in AL Buraimi and its suitability for human use and agricultural irrigation, we noticed that people were digging wells in their homes, using their water to irrigate crops, cooking and drinking. The research questions are: How valid is the Ghuraifa well water for human use? What is the effect of well water on the germination and growth of vegetable crops grown in people's homes? What is the extent of the impact of Ghuraifa wells water on the soil properties? This research was applied by comparing the growth rates of watercress and coriander plants using groundwater samples from different locations in Ghuraifa, Then study the soil properties. Where the land cover, the soil and water protocol. The results indicated that not all samples match the Omani specifications due to the increased concentration of dissolved salts, the results of the microbiological examination also showed an increase in the total number of coliform and E. coli bacteria, and therefore they are not suitable for use .In the field of irrigation, we find that the use of organic fertilizers helped the growth of the plant at the beginning better, but because of the high salinity value, this has a negative impact on the vegetative growth of the plant, It also led to an increase in soil salinity, Based on the results of the research, we recommend the necessity of conducting a periodic examination of the well water and treating it with chlorine, in cooperation with the specialists, we also recommend using salt-resistant crops, replacing chemical fertilizers with organic fertilizers, and using drip irrigation with the necessity of adding washing requirements that prevent salt build-up, and an agricultural engineer can be used to do so.
