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STORM SEEKER: “An open source meteorological data acquisition system for local hail storm prediction”

Student(s):Alejandro Sánchez Sofia Sabatini Camila Grilletti Nicolás Labrune Nicolás Bartolomeo Nahuel Galera Joaquín Oller Franco Vaccarezza Enzo Appes Rocco Querini Juliana Masuh Mariel Camus
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Educator(s):Eleonora Paula Morelli
Contributors:Dr. Ruben Santos Dr. Lucas Iacono
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Presentation Video: View Video
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:04/10/2019
Hail Storm Mendoza
In the geography classes of our school we carry out weather research activities, hence we detect an open issue: the unusually intense hailstorms that affect our city are not noticed with anticipation by the citizens, generating considerable damage. Our school is polytechnic hence we propose “the development of a system composed by open source software and hardware technologies for meteorological data acquisition. This system will use atmospheric data in order to emit hail storm alerts to the citizens of our city mitigating hail damages”. In order to concrete our solution, we: (i)Take reliable weather variables in our school, (ii) Store and process data collected with open source technologies, (iii) Create an app that reports the atmospheric state of the school zone and the occurrence of hail storms, (iv) Disseminate the project and make the software as well as the hardware available to the community. We create two work teams, one for the observation and collection of meteorological variables according GLOBE protocols and other one for developing data acquisition devices and different software tools. During 2018 we were able to carry out part of our task plan, currently we continue working on the creation and diffusion of the app.


Hi GLOBE students,
You have done a wonderful job on this research project by building GLOBE atmospheric equipment, Hail App and Arduino embeded system.
Here are my questions.
(1) Could you please explain the link between the Hail App and the GLOBE atmospheric data collected?
(2) Did you compare your temperature data from GLOBE equipment and your Arduino embeded system (temp sensor data)? Or comparing with some official report?
(3) Did you have a chance to calibrate your thermometer?

Keep all the great work.
First of all, we all want to thank you for Reading our Project and for all the interesting questions you asked us.

(1) Could you please explain the link between the Hail App and the GLOBE atmospheric data collected?
The GLOBE periodical observations allow us to correlate the presence of a certain kind of clouds and where they’re from, and the possibility of the ocurrance of storms in a zone. All this, complemented with Arduino’s data are entered in the app. After doing a significative amount of measurements (Stage in which we are right now) we’ll be able to accomplish reliable statistics about what the meteorological conditions generated by storms in our city are.

(2) Did you compare your temperature data from GLOBE equipment and your Arduino embeded system (temp sensor data)? Or comparing with some official report?

In the zone in which we are doing the measurements we don’t count on a meteorological station nearby. The closest one is located in Mendoza airport. To compare our data we’re connecting to scientific organisms in our zone (5 Kilometers) who will allow us to contrast our data with Davis & Daza automatic metheorological stations

(3) Did you have a chance to calibrate your thermometer?

Yes. We calibrated our alcohol thermometer using GLOBE’s calibration protocol, and we’re going to contrast our Arduino thermometer with the one in the fruits cold room near our school. This last one is regulated by the government and is utilized to calibrate thermometers by many different companies.

Thanks a lot! Sincerely: GLOBE students.
First of all, we all want to thank you for Reading our Project and for all the interesting questions you asked us.

(1) Could you please explain the link between the Hail App and the GLOBE atmospheric data collected?
The GLOBE periodical observations allow us to correlate the presence of a certain kind of clouds and where they’re from, and the possibility of the ocurrance of storms in a zone. All this, complemented with Arduino’s data are entered in the app. After doing a significative amount of measurements (Stage in which we are right now) we’ll be able to accomplish reliable statistics about what the meteorological conditions generated by storms in our city are.

(2) Did you compare your temperature data from GLOBE equipment and your Arduino embeded system (temp sensor data)? Or comparing with some official report?

In the zone in which we are doing the measurements we don’t count on a meteorological station nearby. The closest one is located in Mendoza airport. To compare our data we’re connecting to scientific organisms in our zone (5 Kilometers) who will allow us to contrast our data with Davis & Daza automatic metheorological stations

(3) Did you have a chance to calibrate your thermometer?

Yes. We calibrated our alcohol thermometer using GLOBE’s calibration protocol, and we’re going to contrast our Arduino thermometer with the one in the fruits cold room near our school. This last one is regulated by the government and is utilized to calibrate thermometers by many different companies.

Thanks a lot! Sincerely: GLOBE students.