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The effectiveness of using coffee residues to fertilize the soil to Corn planting in Ibri Governorate

Organization(s):Ibri basic School
Student(s):Sarah Mohammed Al-Skeiti Zouina Saeed Al Mazrouei
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Teacher:Shaikha Alswafi
Contributors:Raya Saed Al Gharibi, Fatima Rashid Al-Zeraia
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Water Temperature, pH, Salinity, Soil Characterization, Soil Temperature, Soil pH, Soil Particle Density, (Protocol Deactivated), Soil Particle Size Distribution
Presentation Poster: View Document
Optional Badges:I am a Collaborator, I am a Data Scientist, I work with a STEM Professional
Date Submitted:03/09/2020
This research aims to study the effectiveness of using coffee residues to fertilize the soil in agriculture in Ibri, by answering the following questions: 1. How can coffee residues be used to fertilize the soil? 2. What are the properties of water and soil before and after adding the coffee residue to them? In terms of: (salinity, conductivity, acidity (pH), solubility of oxygen, carbonate ratio? 3. How effective is the use of coffee residues to increase agricultural production? This research was applied in one of the villages of Ibri (Kawas), to answer the above questions. We relied on the method of scientific research where the corn plant was irrigated with water added to some coffee residue and compared the growth rates with another corn plant watered with normal water. That is by applying the water and soil protocol to measure the conductivity, salinity and acidity properties of the two normal water samples, the water added to the coffee residue, as well as the soil.
