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The effects of rusty water on bougainvillea

Country:Saudi Arabia
Student(s):Haneen Al-dean Bali Jana Osama Emam
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Educator(s):Manal Siddiq Ageel
Contributors:teacher: Manal Siddiq ageel Dr. Fahd bin Nasser Al-Kakek Dr. Mona Al-Hassani Dr. Reem Al-Hassani
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report, Standard Research Report
Protocols:Relative Humidity, pH, Soil pH
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:03/15/2020
The bougainvillea leaf
summary This research aims to study the effect of rusty water on the bougainvillea and how to solve this problem?. The importance of this research is to know the effect of irrigating the bougainvillea with rusty water, its treatment and what factors lead to rust in water? We did an experiment on the bougainvillea and watered it with rusty water for a full four months, we wrote all the changes that happen by biological and non-biological factors. It was concluded that as we multiply the amount of rusty water in irrigating the bougainvillea, the more likely it will die. After the experiment ended, we found out that rusty water may cause wilt or spots on leaves. These spots usually develop when there is an excessive amount of moisture on the leaves of bougainvillea for a long period of time. The acidity and alkalinity of soil and water affected the bougainvillea growth.experts recommend checking the iron water pipes, cleaning them every six months, and irrigating the plants with pure water suitable for cultivation so that it does not affect them. key words: plant, stains, water, rust, leaves
