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Variations in the Atmospheric Measurement Data of Different Weather Stations in Tartu

Student(s):Kaisa Tullus (Miina Härma Gümnaasium) Lille-Mai Kangur (Miina Härma Gümnaasium) Marta Ruthe (Kääpa Põhikool) Rebeka Plaan (Palupera Põhikool) Miia Kalnapenkis (Kääpa Põhikool) Mikk Mattias Mahla (Tartu Tamme Kool) Jan Mihhailov (Narva Vanalinna Riigikool)
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
Contributors:Kent Gregor Mahla
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Air Temperature, Barometric Pressure, Clouds, Precipitation, Relative Humidity
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:03/03/2024
We did atmospheric measurements at two different locations: Tähtvere Park and Ülejõe Park during the GLOBE Estonia Learning Expedition in Tartu, Estonia on 8 August 2023. Our main goal was to find out how the data of various weather stations differs from our measurements. We were curious if the observed two parks would have different results in atmospheric indicators. We also wanted to find out how long it would take for atmospheric indicators to show any notable changes. Our hypotheses were: ● The results from the weather stations will show some variance, but generally, the indicators will be quite similar. ● The data from the two parks will be different. ● The indicators will not change notably in half an hour. We discovered that all the weather stations, we compared, had some variances in their atmospheric data. This could be because of the different locations of the stations, the different equipment which was used to make the measurements and so on. We also realised that half an hour is enough time for atmospheric indicators to change notably and we did in fact see differences between the data from the two parks. Studying the atmosphere is important because it helps us predict the weather and see how the climate is changing, which in turn makes it easier to protect the climate. Comparing and researching different weather stations and equipment, used to measure the atmosphere, helps us study local weather variability as well as find flaws and make sure that all the measurements are accurate. Keywords: air temperature, air pressure, air humidity, clouds
