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A Study of Temperatures and Humidity of cold surges: Radiosonde Data Approach

Student(s):Wan-Ni Wu, Hsiu-Mei Lin, Yun-Han Kuan
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):nai--ching liu
Report Type(s):
Protocols:Relative Humidity, Air Temperature, Surface Temperature, Barometric Pressure
Date Submitted:04/30/2014
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In this study, we try to find out how the high altitude meteorological phenomenon affects the ground temperature by using the data obtained from Central Weather Bureau and our own observation. This paper focuses on the winter season, especially the phases when our ground temperature data reveals a sharp decline, which might be due to a cold wave passing through. There are three main parts in this paper: (a) the relationship between ground temperatures and relative humidity, (b) the relationship between dew point temperatures at 850hpa and ground relative humidity, and (c) the relationship between the wind speed and wind directions at different levels of pressure and ground temperatures. Five conclusions are drawn from our study: (1) Ground temperatures and relative humidity are highly related during cold waves. This means that high humidity indicates low temperature in the period. (2) The variation of humidity in Chiayi city is more significant than that of Taipei city. (3) The cold fronts approach Taipei earlier and Chiayi later, so the pressure trough system affects Taipei more significantly. (4) When cold waves strike, north wind is more likely to affect ground temperature. The influences of trough system at different pressures on the ground may differ in the period of time. (5) The data from our own observation agrees well with that from Central Weather Bureau.
