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statistic analysis

Student(s):Marta Leda Kalaš, Martina Sabo, Dora Lakota Kovač
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Teacher:Marina Nemet
Contributors:O.Š.V.nazor Virovitica, O.Š.prof.V.Šignjara Virje, GLOBE community, National Hydrometeorological Institute, Virovitica state
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Air Temperature, Clouds, Wind, Earth As a System
Presentation Poster: View Document
Optional Badges:I am a Collaborator, I make an Impact, I work with a STEM Professional
Date Submitted:01/28/2020
analysis, research, Virovitica
The aim of the research was to compare measured temperatures in Virje and Virovitica. We were interested in the differences between mean daily, mean monthly and mean annual temperatures as well as mean maximum and minimum monthly and annual temperatures. We wanted to find out there is a correspondence between absolute minimum and maximum annual temperatures as well as between numbers warm, hot, cold and freezing days. We have used GLOBE stations data for the period between 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2018 and controlled them with the Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service data. The hypothesis is that absolute differences in temperatures will range up to 5 ° C and according to the data processing it is obvious that the differences are in the range of up to 5° C which confirms our hypothesis.


Dragi učenici i mentori pohvaljujem vašu motiviranost i zainteresiranost za ovu temu. Nadam se da ćete nastaviti vaša istraživanja. Priložili ste vaš istraživački projekt - statistic analysis - Statistička obrada temperature zraka i usporedba podataka škola Virovitica i Virje za razdoblje od 1.1. 2014. do 31.12. 2018.godine. U projektu se bavite temperaturom zraka u promatranom razdoblju. Imam pitanje:
1. Ima li vaša škola meteorološku postaju ili svakodnevna mjerenja vrše
2. Kako mjerite podatke vikendom i praznicima?
Hvala na pohalama, Svakodnevna mjerenja vrše učenici-i vikendom, izmjenjuju se svaki mjesec su po dvoje u ekipi, jednako tako i dok su školski praznici.