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Surface Temperatures of Different Types of Substrate

Student(s):Mihael Krpeljević, Zrinka Matešković, Ema Trgovčić
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Zrinko Bahorić
Contributors:Ivana Čordašev, Vivijana Lovrinić, Zrinko Bahorić
Report Type(s):Standard Research Report
Protocols:Air Temperature, Surface Temperature, Precipitation
Date Submitted:04/17/2019
During the preceding years, it is more and more spoken about „heat islands“, the expression which describes towns as areas with elevated temperatures of air. The GLOBE campaigne, Surface temperature field campaigne,which we have joined this school year, stimulated us to study the way of air heating, the influence of substrate onto the air heating, and to compare heating of different types of substrate of asphalt and grass. The scientific meteorology subjects have studied solar radiation and heating of the atmosphere – Earth. By measuring the temperature of substrate of soil, we were interested in the difference of the temperature according to the substrate type and that was the reason why we have joined the campaigne. It was shown that our asphalt measuring station can't be 100 percent representative because it is located near our school which is placed in arboretum, the place where there is almost no spot without shadow. Using the extended number of data from the GLOBE base, we have shown that at the time of solar afternoon, asphalt is heating faster than grass. Also, it is shown that the temperature of the surface impacts on the temperature of air, so we can confirm that the surface heats the bottom layer of the atmopshere. This study has opened many new quetions. One of them would be temperature variation of asphalt and grass during the night, so we believe it would be one of our further researches.
