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The effect of the cutting of trees and gulls on decreasing the number of fungal organisms and raising the temperature

Student(s):ALHamed Rashid Hamed AL-Rajhi Hamed Rashid Hamed AL-Masrorri Ali Salem Ali AL-Sheikali
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Teacher:said nasser alsunaidi
Contributors:MOHMAD ALI ALBLOSH/ Al-Salil Reserve Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Surface Temperature, Earth As a System
Presentation Poster: View Document
Optional Badges:I am a Collaborator
Date Submitted:04/05/2018
Summary: The effect of the cutting of trees and gulls on decreasing the number of fungal organisms and raising the temperature Preparing students ALHamed Rashid Hamed AL-Rajhi Hamed Rashid Hamed AL-Masrorri Ali Salem Ali AL-Sheikali The Teacher Supervision Said Nasser Said AL-Senidi SAOUD BIN AZZAN AL-BUSADI SCHOOL (5-10) The aim of our research is to study the effect of the cutting of Ghaf and Sumer trees and their threat to wildlife in the environment and its associated Of high temperature. It was noticed that these trees were cut by citizens to feed livestock This may be unconscious and aware of what they are doing, as well as through the distribution of residential plots in the environment in which these trees are abundant, which is a shelter for these fungal creatures. The following question was asked: What is the effect of cutting the Sumer and Ghaf trees on decreasing the number of fungal organisms and raising the temperature? In this research, we adopted the method of practical experimentation to detect this effect. We applied the LAND COVER, , And the atmosphere protocol by measuring surface temperature. We found that the areas with abundant vegetation have a low temperature compared with the areas where the trees were cut, which in turn contributes to creating a suitable environment for the organisms that T Based on these findings, we have made the following recommendations: Raising citizens' awareness in a significant manner and staying through the cooperation of governmental institutions in the danger of carrying out these practices and the consequent damage to the natural environment and society. The establishment of nature reserves for Al Ghaf and Sumer trees in the Sultanate of Oman. The inclusion of scientific material in the curricula talking about wildlife and the importance of these trees and the rich environment they provide.


very interesting!

It not quite clear about the methods that you measure the fungual communities?
Did you measure about it? what is the most fungi species were impacted from cutting those trees?