Quick Summary
One of the actions Country Coordinators need to take is approving
those who have requested a GLOBE Educator account. Partners may also
approve an account but, in general, U.S. accounts are approved by the
U.S. Country Coordinator.
Country Coordinators should review those with an Account Requested
status on a regular basis to determine if the users can advance to the
status of Account Approved, to allow them to get formally trained.
Steps to review and approve those who are Account Requested:
- Click on the Account Requested link
- Click on a person's name to open their account settings to review
their information.
- Does their email and name look valid?
- Is their school a valid school?
- Is this a school or person that you would like to mentor?
- Once you review and decide to approve the account, click on the
'Approve Account' button for that user.