
The First Blog: Introducing…the U.S. GLOBE Blog…US_GLOBE…

If you clicked on a link to this page due to some intriguing headline, I hope you will not be too disappointed. A momentary lapse in judgement inspired me to ask the GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) for a Blog tab and now that it is here; it’s been waiting for some content.

My intent was to fill this with guest bloggers, U.S. teachers in particular, writing about how they are implementing GLOBE in their classrooms. There weren’t any volunteers. [sad face]

Until I can entice a couple of GLOBE teachers, you get me, Jen Bourgeault. I have had the pleasure and honor of being the U.S. Country Coordinator for a couple years now. Before that, I was part of the Land Cover/Biology science team, the Carbon Cycle team, and throughout that time, the NH Partnership Coordinator. Essentially, I’ve been with GLOBE a long time leading up the US CC role. I’ll be the first to admit, longevity can be an asset, and other times, fresh eyes and a different perspective are incredibly helpful – hence the idea to host guest bloggers. If you feel inspired to share something with US_GLOBE through this blog, please reach out to me (usglobecc at 

For the next several posts, I’d like to share my perspectives on the six U.S. Science Fairs that I have been able to attend across the country. I am the PI (Principle Investigator) for the grant that supported these, which was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). I was so grateful to have an incredible group of United States partnerships support this idea and agree to take on a regional leadership role to organize these events. Each team created a unique experience and each team was successful. It has been quite the project and it looks like one that will evolve and continue to be part of US_GLOBE.

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