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Enter the Data Entry Challenge 18-24 April

A banner with three images showing teachers and students taking data.

GLOBE is hosting the 2016 Data Entry Challenge from 18-24 April!

During the past (almost) 21 years, students have submitted nearly 133,800,000  measurements to the GLOBE database, with a whopping nearly 4 million measurements added in the past year alone!  The GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) applauds students for their extraordinary efforts in reporting the data they gather for research and understanding. 

The Data Entry Challege will take place during Earth Week, the week of Earth Day, which takes place, as always, on 22 April. We want to see the numbers on data-entry skyrocket that week... so plan to enter new data or old. The GLOBE Implementation Office will recognize:

  • schools entering the most data entered between 18-24 April 2016; as well as
  • schools entering the most data using the mobile app between 18-24 April 2016.

During the first Data Entry Challenge, which took place over Earth Week 2015 in celebration of Earth Day and GLOBE's 20th Anniversary, more than 240 schools answered the call to not just count the data, but to make the data count. More than 160,000 measurements were added to the GLOBE database during that week. (The measurements included both those collected during the week, and those from years past that were not previously entered into the database.)  Let's see if we can beat that record.

Data remain as important now as they were on the day you collected them. If you have old data sheets that you have not yet entered into the GLOBE database, please make an effort to report those data. If your data collection is up-to-date, then enter new data, as well, during the Data Entry Challenge.

GIO is calling on you to dig in even deeper and continue to make your data count.

With your help, it all adds up!

type: globe-news

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office


Perfect step for Globe program, schools and students, we are working hard with our students to get the best results. Thank you all.
Al- Farouk school at Jeddah
I agree with Emad, well said. My students are really focusing on data collection this week. We have had some great conversations. Quick question, do we need to sign up somewhere for the challenge?
Thank you, GLOBE and keep up the good work everyone!
- Jeff Bouwman (Shumate Middle School - Gibraltar School District)