
Entries with Field Campaigns El Niño .

  Learn more about Phase III of the GLOBE ENSO Student Research Campaign HERE!

Posted in: Field Campaigns: El Niño

"There is an increasing chance (~55-60%) of La Niña during the Northern Hemisphere fall and winter 2017-18." says the NOAA Climate Prediction Center. "Over the last month, equatorial sea surface temperatures (SSTs) were near-to-below average across the central and eastern Pacific Ocean (Figure 1). ENSO-neutral conditions were apparent in the weekly fluctuation of Niño-3.4 SST index values...

Posted in: Field Campaigns: El Niño

Mr. Jeff Bouwman and his Shumate Middle School students are NASA GLOBE ENSO Student Research Campaign superstars.  Check out what they have been doing in the video below!   Shumate Middle School was the first location for a new WeatherSTEM program, including a weather station, cloud camera, and an agricultural station. Learn more in the video below!

Posted in: Field Campaigns: El Niño Investigation Areas: Atmosphere Earth As a System Hydrosphere Pedosphere (Soil) Biosphere Primary Audience: Trainers Teachers Students Partners Scientists Alumni Country Coordinators

Check out the wonderful ENSO Introductory Video from the National Weather Service Office in Bismarck, North Dakota. USA! Also, to gain a more in-depth knowledge of the science of ENSO, please visit our friends at the State Climate Office of North Carolina. The have some excellent ENSO information, with links to some pertinent external expertise.

Posted in: Field Campaigns: El Niño Primary Audience: Trainers Teachers Students Partners Scientists Alumni Country Coordinators

Scientists rely on research, statistical models, and climate forecast models to help them determine upcoming natural events. Currently, scientists are have a difficult time deciding if and when the potential big El Niño event will happen. It will happen in 2017, but will it be the Summer or Fall? "Right now, many climate forecast models do predict the development of a full-fledged El Niño...

Posted in: Curriculum: STEM Assessment and Evaluation Education Research Language Culture and Arts Science and Math Technology Field Campaigns: El Niño SMAP Investigation Areas: Atmosphere Earth As a System Hydrosphere Pedosphere (Soil) Biosphere Learning Activities: Earth as a System Atmosphere and Climate Land Cover/Biology Hydrology Soil Primary Audience: Partners Scientists Alumni Country Coordinators Trainers Teachers Students