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permission to enter teacher

Matthijs Begheyn, modified 11 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 49 Join Date: 12/7/11 Recent Posts
Currently i can add a new school to the database, but when i try to add a teacher, I get the message that I don't have the permission to do that (see screenshot).
What's wrong?
Jonathan Lang (inactive), modified 12 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 92 Join Date: 12/5/11 Recent Posts
If I am understanding your question correctly - you want to know how to add new users that are teachers to the system:

1) If the teacher is a new user then the user should go to the "New to GLOBE?" link on the front page which will send them to a link to create an account. The processing of this account make take a little while as we have had many new users wanting to join GLOBE, and we are running a backlog of new accounts

2) If they are returning GLOBE teachers then they should use the "Log In" link in the upper right hand of the web page and use the 'GLOBE School ID Login" with their old school ID and password link at the bottom of the Sign In Page. This process should link them with their school that existed in the old system, and establish a new account for them.

* Note, Training data is not migrated over at that point, and will have to be manually input until the upcoming training data migration in the coming month.
Matthijs Begheyn, modified 12 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 49 Join Date: 12/7/11 Recent Posts
Hi Jon,
Thanks for the reply.
We were used to add the teachers ourselves to the database.
Do I understand well that this is no longer possible?
Jonathan Lang (inactive), modified 12 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 92 Join Date: 12/5/11 Recent Posts
It is possible, but unfortunately it is now official - you have found a bug that only affects your account. This issue is being worked and once it is fixed we will let you know.
David Overoye, modified 12 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 95 Join Date: 8/2/11 Recent Posts
Got a fix coming...should be there in a day or so
Ilona Krpcová, modified 12 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 15 Join Date: 2/6/12 Recent Posts
I think I have a similar problem -
I am not able to
1) add user (teacher) to existing school (system let me to fill the name, email etc but when I tried to save it it showed that I have not a permission to do it
2) add user to users in my country (I have not a permission)
3) add new teacher to workshop roster - It shows me only possibility to chose somebody who has already created account - it should work that way? Have all new teachersto create their account by themselves first and then we can put them to roster?

I only can add new organizaton to my organizations.

Thanks for help
David Overoye, modified 12 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 95 Join Date: 8/2/11 Recent Posts
Just double checking - all should be fixed on this one...Hopefully no one is seeing any other issues on account creation


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