
Asset Publisher

2018 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium Conclusions
14 schools from the Europe and Eurasia region submitted their projects to the 2018 International Virtual Science Symposium. One of them, the project of Helen Parkhurst school from the Netherlands, was among the 4 winners of the drawing, which took place on 6 April. The winners will receive a $2000 USD stipend to help attend the GLOBE Learning Expedition in Killarney, Ireland.  >>

GLOBE Teacher Training Hosted in Paderborn Germany
The world`s largest computer museum in Paderborn Germany hosted a GLOBE teacher training covering atmosphere and hydrology protocols. The event was organized by GLOBE Deutschland, and took place on 25 April.  >>

Earth Day 2018 – Outstanding GLOBE Videos from Israel
GLOBE schools in Israel celebrated Earth Day 2018 by filming excellent videos about their GLOBE activities.  >>

New Timeline Animation Tool Added to the Visualization System
See your measurement data over time with the new visualization timeline animation tool  >>

Czech GLOBE Stars 2018
Three Czech GLOBE schools have been awarded with the title "Czech GLOBE Star 2018" for their significant achievements over the past year. The award organized by GLOBE Czech Republic took place at the American Center in Prague.  >>

The GLOBE Program in the First Half-Year of 2018
The GLOBE Program experience in 2018 brings many interesting projects, meetings, and campaigns. In this overview, you can see the main program activities and many possibilities for you to participate.  >>

Scientist from Delft University of Technology Helps GLOBE Students with Research on Aerosols
Students of Heerenlanden College, Netherlands, interacted with Dr. Herman Russchenberg, Professor of Atmospheric Remote Sensing at Delft University of Technology, about their research on aerosols. Read the interview and get inspired by this interesting project.  >>

2018 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium – Time to Showcase Your Work
2018 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium offers a great opportunity to students from all GLOBE countries to present results of their hard work and be awarded for it. Reports can be submitted from 01 January 2018 to 01 March 2018.  >>

New Poster GLOBE 365 – Seasonal Changes of Trees in Your Room
GLOBE students took beautiful pictures of trees using the smartphone application GrowApp. The brand new GLOBE 365 poster presents some of them and shows how trees change over the year. Have a look at the poster and download your copy  >>

Study Water in Our Environment Together with Students All Around the World
Is my water safe to drink? Is my water safe to swim or bathe in? New GLOBE ENSO Phase III Student Research Campaign "Water in Our Environment" will help you find the answers to these questions. Join the campaign community to learn about water in your environment and collaborate with others around the world.  >>