News - Pakistan
GLOBE Ukraine Successfully Hosts Student Phenology Campaign "Cherry Ukraine"
In 2015, GLOBE Ukraine held a Student Phenology Campaign called "Cherry Ukraine." The aim of the campaign, which lasted from February through May, was to engage students from Ukraine in investigation of the vegetation cycles of wild cherry (Prunus cerasus) and Nanking cherry (Prunus tomentosa). During the campaign, participants observed budbursts of the cherry species, measuring solar noon temperature and reporting their data to the GLOBE website. Overall, 686 students and 89 teachers from 70 schools and educational institutions from all over Ukraine participated in the campaign.
Teachers who had registered for the campaign had the opportunity to attend an online workshop were they received training in GLOBE protocols on Atmosphere and Biosphere (Green-Up/Green-Down). After completing three different home tasks covering featured topics, 75 teachers received GLOBE Teacher Certificates.
Thanks to the campaign, the number of data entries on the Ukrainian webpage increased from 17,600 to 22,000!
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office