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Google+ Hangout on Earth Day – #HangoutWithGLOBE

The GLOBE Program is celebrating its 20th Anniversary on Earth Day, Wednesday, April 22. In addition to numerous other celebrations, GLOBE is hosting an online conversation with GLOBE scientists and educators around the world.

The #HangoutWithGLOBE will be broadcast live, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. ET (14:00 GMT).The hangout will also be available for playback (at the same link) following the broadcast.

Join the hangout!

type: globe-news

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office


This is an original and excellent idea so that our students can have through the use of telepresence and technological tools to approach and have a meeting with the members of the GLOBE Community and that they can meet with Tony is wonderful. That day in our school we will be making an environmental fair but I will try to make the connection to involved our kids in the Gregorio José Ramírez High School in Costa Rica. We will see you soon.
Thank you Maria, yes this is a wonderful event. People will be presenting and sharing their involvement with GLOBE. The ENSO project from LAC will be highlighted. I am hoping that we can continue with the hangouts in the future, each on a different topic.