
A former middle school student, Payeng, is now a university student and is planning to work with my students this year!! She is now in the process of being approved both by her professor and our district. She chose to do an experiential learning experience instead of a formal class. We are both very excited to have her return to Roswell Kent Middle School!!! 

My student, Kaitlin, presented her GLOBE project at our school board meeting last night!! She also shared her experiences from the GLOBE Program Annual Partner Meeting in Minnesota. There is a nice story about her at You can even leave comments for her. Kids love receiving comments!!  Hint-hint:) I will be leaving tomorrow for my Teacher at Sea research experience...

The annual meeting is a blast! Having a student of mine present before an international audience has been such a growing moment for her. I encourage all of you to get yourself and your students to next year's meeting. I've got to get back to work, but thought I would send out a brief message to all of you.


Wonderful week!! I am very honored, humbled and excited to have been a part of this exceptional group of educators. I can hardly wait to see all your students' work published.