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GLOBE Latin America and Caribbean Regional Meeting 2018

Fifteen of the GLOBE LAC countries met for the Regional Meeting in Panama City to discuss the implementation of the GLOBE program in their countries and hear back from the Science, Education, Technology and Evaluation Working Groups about new developments.

Maria Castro de Tejeira, Vice Minister of Education of Panama, who welcomed all country representatives to Panama, emphasized how important environmental education is for Panama. After this official opening, Tony Murphy gave a presentation about the new developments in GLOBE and about the GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE) and GLOBE Annual Meeting held in Ireland.

A wonderful video of the Ireland meeting gave a good impression of what GLOBE really is about.

Updates were provided on the work done in the region by the different country coordinators that had gathered in Panama City for two days of intensive meetings. All representatives left the meeting with a feeling of renewed energy. The sense of family and cultural enrichment experienced during this two-day meeting across the different languages spoken was again clearly and emphatically stressed at the end of the meeting.

type: globe-news

News origin: Suriname
