News - Taiwan Partnership
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Taiwan Joins GLOBE
We are very pleased to announce that Taiwan has joined the GLOBE Community as our newest Partner in the Asia and Pacific Region.
Community Spotlight - Diana R. Johns
Diana R. Johns, a teacher of Advanced Placement Environmental Science (APES) at Crestwood High School in Dearborn Heights, Michigan USA, has been involved with GLOBE since 1995 and has influenced the path of many students over the years. Two of her students recently earned first place at the GLOBE Student Research Exhibition.
Announcing GLOBE India as Host of the 2014 GLOBE Learning Expedition
The GLOBE Program Office is pleased to announce the selection of GLOBE India as our host for the 2014 GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE). Mark your calendars for New Delhi, during the first week of August 2014.
Workshop in Dalen, Norway, Celebrates Two-Year Tree Ring Project in Europe
The Tree Ring Project organized its final workshop 17-20 September 2013 in Dalen, Norway. Forty-four teachers and trainers and 59 students from 20 schools representing Norway, Croatia and the Czech Republic attended the event.
GLOBE Teacher is Awarded STEM Middle School Teacher of the Year
June Teisan, a GLOBE teacher at Harper Woods Middle School in Harper Woods, Michigan, USA, was recently named STEM Middle School Educator of the Year by The National Science Teacher Association and PASCO
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