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Message Boards

RE: Student Login Username Could Use More Options

Roller Angel, modified 3 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 56 Join Date: 11/30/12 Recent Posts
A community member asked me if the student account for their organization could be one without the underscores _
Now this is a feature request, kindly let us know what you think emoticon
Jonathan Lang (inactive), modified 11 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 92 Join Date: 12/5/11 Recent Posts
Student accounts will be receiving some major enhancements over the coming months. More accounts, and naming conventions are among them.
Stay tuned for upcoming updates on these features.
Roller Angel, modified 3 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 56 Join Date: 11/30/12 Recent Posts
Feature Update emoticon - Modified & added options to the student login username.

  • Changed a required option in the student login username to be the first part of the teacher's email instead of their last name.
    (everything to the left of the '@' character in the teacher's email)
  • Added an option in the student login username '_student'.
  • Modified the requirement of the option to include parts of the organization name in the student login username. Your student login username no longer has to include at least one part of the organization name. Parts of the organization name can now be included only if desired.

Note: The new option (using the first part of the teacher's email instead of their last name) only applies to new student accounts. If existing student accounts used the teacher's last name, then it will continue to use that instead.
Roller Angel, modified 3 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 56 Join Date: 11/30/12 Recent Posts
Feature Update: Multiple Student Accounts - Teachers are now able to create a maximum of 10 student accounts per organization.
  • Also, Student accounts can now create data entry sites (in My Procedures)

Here's how this new feature works:

Teacher’s My Page
When logged-in, teachers will see the list of schools they are associated with on their ‘My Page’ under the ‘School Accounts’ header. If a student account has already been created, it will be listed below the school name. Click on the student account log-in name to edit the account. To create a new student account, click on the ‘new account’ link. This will open a dialog box to manage the student accounts. To delete an account, click on the ‘x’ in front of the student account.

Creating a New Student Account Log-In (email address field)
Teachers have two options when creating the log-in:

Option 1: Let the system create a log-in based on their organization name and email address (similar to the current automated naming system). Each login ID will have the following appended to the end of each account: ‘_student[number]’. The number after '_student' is automatically added to identify the student account number, i.e. ‘_student1’. This number cannot be modified.

Option 2: Teachers create their own unique log-in preceding ‘_student[number]’. For example: As in option 1, the number after '_student' is automatically added to identify the student account number and cannot be modified.

The system will alert the user if the log-in account they selected is already taken.

In both options, student account log-in accounts are not valid email addresses and are only used for logging into the site.

For existing accounts, the log-in will remain as is. However, if the teacher wants to edit an existing account, he/she will have to adhere to the new ID/email address convention.

Student Account Display Name
The account naming convention (the name displayed on the web site) is the same as the current system with 2 additions:

- The student log-in number is now added after the word ‘student’. I.e. - ‘Student 1 of TEACHER’S NAME’.

- To help identify the account name, teachers can append additional characters (up to 10) to the end of the name. For example, 'Student 1 of John Smith – chem class. This is optional.


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