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Student(s):1. Ruwaa Abdullah Ali Al-Farsi 2. Timaa Ali Salim Al-Farsi 3. Wi’aam Dawood Al-Farsi
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Educator(s):Ahmed Moosa AlBalushi
Contributors:Sumaya Al-Farsi Hidaya Al-Farsi
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:03/09/2017
studens working
WATER RESOURCES IN DHAHIR AL-FAWARIS VILLAGE AND THEIR POTABILITY PREPARED BY STUDENTS: 1. Rawaa Abdullah Ali Al-Farsi 2. Timaa Ali Salim Al-Farsi 3. Wi’aam Dawood Al-Farsi SUPERVISED BY TEACHER: Hidaya Sulieman Said Al-Farsi ASMAA BIN OMAIS BASIC SCHOOL (01-10) Our research aims to determine the suitability of of water resources available in Dhahir Al-Fawaris Village for drinking and whether they conform to international standards for drinking water as World Health Organization (WHO) sets the guidelines for drinking water that the ideal PH (potential of hydrogen) level of drinking water is between (6.5- 8.5) and acidity should be between (300-1500 ppm) and to be free to bacteria and pathogenic organisms by comparing the village three water resources including the Falaj water, Al-Masarrat reservoir and artisan wells dug by the government using water protocol (acidity and alkalinity). We also sent water samples to Ibri laboratory for the measurement of acidity and bacteriological testing. It is found that two of the three water resources are perfectly good for drinking [artisan wells – PH = 8.01, acidity = 592 ppt and Al-Masarrat reservoir – PH = 8.10 and acidity = 1101 ppm] while the third water resource [Falaj water its PH = 8.92 and acidity = 398] which is slightly higher than the average acidity level and it contains two types of bacterial pathogens which render it bacteriologically unsuitable for drinking. Therefore, we advise GLOBE students to cooperate with the Ministry of Health and regional municipalities and water resources to conduct studies in order to investigate the causes of increased acidity in Falaj water and the presence of bacterial pathogens. We also advise the local population to keep their water resources as clean as possible and boil water before drinking it.


Great work! Your project was well executed and a great way to use the GLOBE protocols to examine a local issue. I thought your recommendations were very important and I hope you were able to follow through with some of them.

Have you considered repeating this test in other communities?

-Amy Barfield