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What are the meteorological conditions that cause the formation of clouds of fine particles? What is the part of black carbon particles in these clouds of fine particles? And what is the health impact?

Organization(s):Lycée Henri Matisse
Student(s):AMADIS Arjuna ; AVRILLAUD Jade ; BERGER-MARIN Hugo ; BERNARD Alexandre ; BERNARD Paul ; BOUMAHDI Zeyd, CANTARANO Suzanne ; CINTAS Lison ; COQUEREL Stéphanie ; COQUERY Even ; CRUAUD Maxence ; DANIEAU Martin ; DOUMENG Aurélien ; DUFAUT Paola ; ESSOUKI Mathys ; FAGES Kélian ; LOPEZ Thibault ; HORGUEDEBAT Julien ; MAURIEGE Rémi ; NEDJARI Sabrina ; NGUYEN Walter ; VANNET Julien ; TRAN Emilie ; ZACCANTI Pauline
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Teacher:Sandrine Larrieu-Lacoste
Contributors:Scientist : Sébastien Judenherc – STANEO SAS (
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Presentation Video: View Video
Optional Badges:I make an Impact, I am an Engineer, I am a Data Scientist
Date Submitted:02/04/2017
Logo project
In the winter of 2016-2017, Europe and France experienced episodes of pollution with fine particles causing the premature death of 48,000 people per year in France. These episodes seem to be more frequent in the winter. In a first time, with the atmospheric data from GLOBE, we have seen that when the atmospheric pressure is high, there is no precipitation and the temperature is low and we observe a thermal inversion. Then, we discovered that this situation is the key for the formation of fine particles clouds.Subsequently, we decided to investigate about the composition of particle clouds. For this investigation, we measured several components of air pollution as 'Aerosol Optical thickness' and concentration of 'Black Carbon'. This new measurement protocol enabled us to realize the importance of the pollution on our atmosphere. The second part of our project was the automation of this new sensor using an arduino microcontroller.


Congratulations, innovative use of Arduino demostration projects. Have you compared your data with data from summer days? again, congratulations, and excellent work!
Thank you for your extensive work and nice presentation.

Did you enjoy working in such a large team? Did different individuals perform different tasks?

The Calitoo measures aerosols in both the lower atmosphere, where the trapping of pollution occurs, and the rest of the air column between the instrument and the sun. Was there any indication in your data that on some days high AOT values were resulting from aerosols at higher altitudes that may have been carried to your area from elsewhere?
Good afternoon. First, you are welcome !

Yes, working with many peoples was a good experience, so we loved it. So yes, different individuals performed different tasks ; some of us took measures when some of us were working on video games on Scratch, and more.

No, there was not any indication about this in our data, because pollution was emitted from our city, and we took these measures when there was not wind, so particles could not be carried from elsewhere.
Even Coquery, student.
Thank you for your answers.

Winds vary in speed and direction at different levels in the atmosphere. Where they change the result is wind sheer. Also if aerosols at high altitude blew over your site and then the winds moving them at that altitude died, they would be there for a while even on a still day. Rain washes aerosols out of the troposphere but since storms seldom penetrate into the lower stratosphere, aerosols there can stay around ofr two years and longer. Aerosols in the stratosphere are generally from major volcanic eruptions. If clear skies permit, aerosol measurements from a day before there is rain and after a major rain storm might tell you some interesting things about the rate of aerosol pollution in your area.
Good afternoon,

First, thanks for this lead, it will give us another subject while exchange with Denise Magrini's students of the Richard Middle School. It should be an interesting one. We will tell you what will result of this discussion.
Even Coquery, student.