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Comparison between bottled water and zamzam water

Country:Saudi Arabia
Student(s):Elaf Esam Alahdal
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Educator(s):Maryam Ibrahim alshmrani
Report Type(s):Standard Research Report
Protocols:Alkalinity, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Nitrates, Salinity, Water Temperature, pH
Date Submitted:03/08/2020
Drinking water is one of the basic needs of life and essential for survival. Still, more than one billion people all over the world do not have ready access to an adequate and safe water supply and more than 800 million of those unsaved lives in rural areas [18]. Water is important because no organism can live without water. This research will study the differences between bottled water & Zamzam water at a steady temperature in Jeddah KSA 2020. The following parameters were measured, which are: conductivity, temperature, dissolved O2, nitrate, PH, density, and salinity. Bottled water was analyzed against Zamzam water for various water quality parameters. All the figures from (1) to (5) show the differences in different parameters. Zamzam has higher values than the bottled water except dissolved O2 was lower, and the temperature was steady in both categories. This research supports the alternative hypotheses which say's "there will be differences between bottled water, and Zamzam water". In fact, all the graphs illustrate that there are differences between bottled & Zamzam water. Key words: Zamzam water, bottled water, conductivity, temperature, dissolved O2, nitrate, PH, density, and salinity.
