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Does drought affect water?

Organization(s):Golden Ridge
Student(s):Nolan Forseth, Justin Forseth and Ivey Taylor
Grade Level:Upper Primary (grades 3-5, ages 8-11)
GLOBE Educator(s):Erin Barr
Report Type(s):
Protocols:Nitrates, Conductivity, Salinity, pH, Dissolved Oxygen, Water Temperature, Freshwater Macroinvertebrates
Date Submitted:05/02/2013
Screen capture from presentation
A class started with the question: does climate change induced drought affect water quality: Turbidity, PH, and macroinvertebrate health, dissolved oxygen, salinity, etc. Those kids got on the bus and went to a local park with a stream. Then the class tested the water for: turbidity, phosphate, nitrate, pH, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, coliform bacteria, electrical conductivity, temperature and macroinvertebrates. The hypothesis is yes, climate change induced drought will affect some aspects of water quality such as: macroinvertebrate health, dissolved oxygen, phosphates, nitrates, coliform bacteria & electrical conductivity. Since the results were inconclusive the class needs to continue researching over a longer period of time.


What kind of macroinvertebrates were found?
We found pouch snails and orb snails. We also found: mayfly larva, threadworms, nematodes, water mites, stone case caddis fly larva, and tubifex worms.
It looks like your results were inconclusive as far as the research question goes, but did your data reveal anything interesting or surprising? What would you change if you were to do this again? Did you learn anything from the process? Most importantly, did you have fun?
Q. It looks like your results were inconclusive as far as the research question goes, but did your data reveal anything interesting or surprising?
A.We collected more macroinvertebrates during the fall than we did in early spring. We were actually surprised that we saw any macros during March. It was also surprising that our Coliform Bacteria test was positive in the spring.
Q. What would you change if you were to do this again?
A. We would collect more data over a longer period of time.
Q. Did you learn anything from the process?
A. We learned how to be hydrologists and do a variety of tests! We learned how to carefully collect macroinvertebrates without harming them.
Q. Most importantly, did you have fun?
A. Yes! We learned about macroinvertebrates and several different ways to learn about the water and what was in it.
What motivated you to research this question? Were you surprised at the number and types of macroinvertibrates that you found?
Q. What motivated you to research this question?
A. It was an interesting project that we could do at a local stream.
Q. Were you surprised at the number and types of macroinvertibrates that you found?
A.Yes Ivey and Nolan were surprised. Justin was sort of surprised that there were so many macoinvertiberates in the water.
Thank you for your response!
I like you thorough responses to questions and the clarity of your talking on the video.

Did you use GLOBE protocols for the measurements? If so, why didn't you report the data to GLOBE?
We did use Globe protocols for the measurements. Unfortunately, we had several technology issues throughout the year that did not allow for data reports to Globe. We hope to bridge this gap next year!