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How warm is the heart of Zagreb

Student(s):Estera Opačak, Josip Novosel, Luka Bakonji, Matilda Majerčak Škorlić, Lara Maria Stričak, Klara Ćurković
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Marinela Labas
Contributors:Dubravka Rasol
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Surface Temperature
Presentation Video: View Video
Date Submitted:03/07/2020
Earth Needs Help
The „Urban heat island effect/surface temperature field campaign“1 inspired us to investigate more. Could we confirm that urban atmosphere is a thermal island in relation to the environment by surface temperature measurement? We asked whether the surface temperature values depend on: location; type of surface; measurement time; water surface proximity and snow cover. In periods 19. 2.- 2. 3. and 18. 4. - 22. 4. 2018 students measured the surface temperature of asphalt and grass surfaces at 7 stations twice a day between 6,00 - 6,15/ 21,00 - 21,15 using IR thermometers. During the first research period, surface temperatures were also measured at school stations at 12,00. When there was snow, the surface temperature and the underlay was measured both. Results: Urban temperatures of grass and asphalt are higher than suburban, with lowest in the rural area, the “thermal island”9 of Zagreb is confirmed with surface temperature values. The temperature of the substrate is mutually different, the influence of water proximity to the surface temperature of the grass substrate is confirmed, too. The measurement time hypothesis confirmed for grassy surfaces, asphalt shows the opposite. We verified that the snow is an insulator with lower temperature than the grass surface.
