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Snowfall Contributions To School Calamity Days: A Climatological Study

Student(s):Romarrius McElroy
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Steven Frantz
Report Type(s):
Date Submitted:05/03/2013
This project was started because of a previous project. When it came time to complete all the requirements to finish the project it would have cost at least eight hundred dollars for a weather balloon. The decision was to come up with another project dealing with snow since there weren't any projects dealing with snow. Let's get started. First, the needed materials before starting are, a centimeter marked ruler and hypothesis and a purpose or problem. After getting a ruler in centimeter measurements, clipboard, and a writing utensil the next step is to record the problem and hypothesis. The hypothesis is "I believe the amount of calamity days (disaster or catastrophe days) have decreased. The problem or purpose of why this specific project was picked is everyone likes school closing days in the winter. It was critical to figure out how snowfall affects our school calamity days. So every calamity day we have measurements would have to be taken. The Roswell Kent Middle School field is where the measurements were taken. Data was taken in centimeters instead of inches because Globe Protocol uses centimeters. Then record the data on to the results sheet. Next, Is to come up with a title for the project which is, "Snowfall Contributions To School Calamity Days: A Climatological Study." As copies of the work fly fresh out of the printer, the last thing being worked on is the conclusion, which explains how could this experiment improve or lead into another study. Now everything is put together on the board. It's time to compete against the competition and make it to districts Science Fair.


I'm interested in hearing what you learned from this project, and what you would change or do differently if you did this project again?

Where might you find information on snow depth for previous years' calamity days?
Good job on your video!
I was wondering what you might think it would be like in a couple years from now due to all the weather change?
Romarrius - Nice work on your project! I have a few questions for you. First, how did you come up with your hypothesis? Was it from personal experience? Or did you make an educated guess based upon other factors?

Second, what other ways or with what other materials could you measure snowfall? Do you see any ways you could get errors in any of those ways?

I look forward to reading your answers!
What did you learn from tackling a too ambitious project at first and then shifting to your final question and approach?
Thank you for an interesting project that looks at the impacts we experience from weather and climate. I have a couple questions for you:
1) Why did you measure snow depth if you were looking at how the number of calamity days have varied over the years?

2) In your written report, you mention a problem of comparing snow depth readings in units of inches and millimeters. Units are indeed something scientists have to be aware of. Do you have any ideas on how you might have been able to compare the snow depth readings despite the different units?